I have several Twitter accounts and even though I mostly use my personal one, I do have a few niche websites for which I set up independent accounts. For my franchise website www.FranchiseBrief.com, I really thought I would be able to get the @franchise username because I assumed no one in the franchise industry knew about Twitter yet. I was wrong! @franchise was already squatted and I had to go for the @franchisebrief username.
Tag: Twitter
The other day I was looking for a new background image for my Twitter page so I did what any normal person would do, I googled it… I thought I was going to be overwhelmed by the amount of websites offering such a service; I mean, how many of these are there to pimp your myspace page? But I was wrong, there is no good site out there that offers good and original Twitter wallpapers.
That’s why I decided to post about this so if like me, you’re looking for a theme for your Twitter page, you may want to check out some of the following sites.
UPDATE: I recently created a website called TwitBackgroundImages.com where I will try to upload Twitter backgrounds as often as I can. So hop over there, and check them out!
This is my personal favorite. Paul Anthony offers us what he calls “26 awesome backgrounds for twitter fanboys (and girls)”. I really like this site because it gives original templates with the matching color codes so you can also customize your designs colors.
French entrepreneur Fabrice Epelboin says that like me, he was looking to personalize his profile page on Twitter but he couldn’t find a good website. Unlike me though, he has design skills so he was able to make his own. He has 2 PSD files to download. They are really worth the look.
This website offers 5 PSD files of Twitter backgrounds that you can download and tweak to make your own using an image editor. I’m no designer so I couldn’t use this but you might be able to do something out of it. If you’re a designer, you can also submit your Twitter designs to the site.
This blog post tells you how to create an original Twitter background template using PowerPoint. From the author: “Who would’ve thought that the presentation app used to lull audiences to sleep could also be used to create an appealing Twitter background? The process is fairly simple and only limited by your imagination and Twitter’s 800Kb upload limit.”
A few PSD files to download and tweak. Not really interesting.
This designer actually offers her free services to design Twitter background images for you. She also have a few original wallpapers to download. Definitely worth a look.
Three Twitter wallpapers with the Twitter bird on them to download.
If you’re a designer you may want to visit CronCast to get the Twitter background guidelines. From file dimensions to color palettes, he tells you eveything you have to know on the specifics of creating your own Twitter wallpaper image.
Any other sources that you know? Please share them in the comments. Oh by the way, follow me on Twitter ;-)
A few months ago, I was searching cool Twitter badges on the Interweb and came across this website. Randa Clay has some very nice Twitter graphics over there. I downloaded all of those that have a transparent background and added them to my Twitter set on Flickr. If you’re looking for some original Twitter badges, that’s the place to go.
You can see one of Randa’s Twitter graphics in the sidebar of this blog.
By connecting his cellphone with his Twitter account, this guy is able to turn his lights on/off. Pretty cool isn’t it. One question remains though: why use your cellphone to turn off your lights when you can just get up and switch off the light? Ok, ok, I get it. The result doesn’t matter; what matters is that you can do it.
Top 5 Twitter Mobile Apps
ReadWriteWeb published today a list of the most popular Twitter apps according to the blogosphere. They ranked them according to different criteria: overall, desktop apps, mobile apps, and web apps.
I chose to only show the top 5 Twitter mobile apps. Visit ReadWriteWeb for the full list.
Top 5 Twitter Mobile Apps: