Engadget reported that the iPhone 2.0 Beta software let’s you save web images to your roll. This is just in beta mode but it totally makes sense that this feature would be available to all when iPhone software 2.0 goes public. I’ve personally been waiting for this basic feature since the beginning.
How it works? Simply by holding the sleep button, then tapping the home button. It apparently flashes white once the image has been saved to your roll. Sounds like a hustle and it could probably be easier, by holding your finger on the image for example but we’re not gonna complain. Read after the break for screenshot.
3 replies on “iPhone – save pictures from Safari. Yeah, finally!!”
Thank you so much. I’ve been looking for info about saving pics from the Internet. I had accidently did it once and forgot how I did it. And now I know that all I have to do is hold the pic!
Does this work on Itouch 3G too?
Great site
Yes it works on all models