We all have a vague idea of how Google Adwords works. You give them a list of keywords, create your ad and and set a maximum bid. But do you really know how the ad auction work? It’s all based on 3 simple criteria: your max bid, other advertisers max bid, and ad quality (CTR, relevance, landing page). Taking all these criteria into account, Google will then give you an ad rank, which will eventually determine your actual CPC. Sounds confusing? Then read on…
Author: Sebastien
Yesterday night I sat down in front of my computer for nearly 2 hours to attend a webinar put together by Big Jason Henderson with Jeremy Schoemaker, aka Shoemoney as a speaker. This was from far the most interesting webinar I had attended about blog monetization. It was so good, that even my girlfriend sat down next to me and listened to Jeremy talk about making money online in his own words. Shoemoney sure is a funny mofo!
In 140 characters or less, Twitter allows you to “market yourself” as a social personality who is approachable, knowledgeable, influential and connected. Chris Brogan says “Twitter is an appetizer for who you really are and what you really represent.” This being said, everything you do on Twitter can have a positive or negative impact on the image you project. In this article, I will highlight the key elements to maximizing your personal branding on Twitter.
WordPress is my favorite blogging platform for one simple reason: it is flexible! I am still amazed that Blogger and TypePad are still in business… What I really like about WordPress is the level of customization you can get to. From custom themes to plugins, WordPress has made it easy for noobies to set up, and taylor your blog to your needs. Today I would like to share with you all the plugins I use.
Every 6 months or so, I like to get a new blog theme for my blogs. I was way overdue with this one as I hadn’t updated it since May 2008. As usual when looking for an original WordPress theme, I went directly to Smashing Magazine as they always have the best looking designs for whatever you might be looking for. After digging around the website, I finally found what I was looking for: the ColorPaper theme designed by FTL.
I was inspired to write this post by my friend Debi and the brand new Twitter account she created. Debi is the Director of Marketing at CrownAir Aviation, an aircraft maintenance company out of California and when she learned about Twitter, she thought it would be a great new social networking tool for her company so she started using the @crownair username.
Do you use Craigslist to generate traffic to your site? If not, you’re missing out on some free qualified visitors. What I’m going to talk about here is totally white hat SEO. It will not improve your SEO rankings. It will just bring some extra visitors to your site for a short period of time.
TechCrunch as a very interesting post today about why Google employees quit. Google’s HR department interviewd a group of ex-employees and asked them why they quit the company. Read some of the authentic posts to the thread below and think about it for a minute. I love how some of them are so sad they quit MicroSoft for Google, thinking it was gonna be the promised land. By the way, I still stick to my prediction that you will hate Google within a few years from now.
I have several Twitter accounts and even though I mostly use my personal one, I do have a few niche websites for which I set up independent accounts. For my franchise website www.FranchiseBrief.com, I really thought I would be able to get the @franchise username because I assumed no one in the franchise industry knew about Twitter yet. I was wrong! @franchise was already squatted and I had to go for the @franchisebrief username.
From its birth in 1957 to today, here is a short video that tells us the story of the Internet. Don’t expect to know it all… check it out!